Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Distractions in the Mortgage Office - Part Two

If you plan to continue working in the office, you may want to consider a few things that are sure-fire distractions. For example, you will definitely want to avoid these time consuming activities: Gossiping co-workers, personal phone calls, phone calls from rate shoppers, driving aimlessly while wondering how to get more business, discussions of recent television shows or office politics, dreaming up other money making ideas (other than mortgages), surfing the net, and one of the most common work-stoppers - Solitairre. Recent studies show that the average office worker (in any field) will spend about two hours on productive activities. In other words, before you put all the blame on your slothful co-workers, you should consider adding a few more productive hours to your day.

If you find that distractions are seeking you out, then you may need to consider a different work environment (such as shutting your door, or working at home.) In the event that you are unable to do either, consider pointing out to your fellow mortgage originators or brokers that with less than two hours of productive work in any given day, by the end of the 40-60 hour work week, the total number of "working" hours is lowered to just 10 hours. This makes sense in a job where you are paid by the hour, but it sure makes you wonder what your total monthly income would be in a commission only career if you were to actually WORK for the entire 40 hours per week - you'd be amazed.

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